Friday, April 22, 2011

State auditor needs to wake up on oversight of higher ed in KY

The State Auditor Crit Luallen Wednesday released an audit of the agency that overseas for profit educational institutions in Kentucky:
Calling its oversight “inadequate,” State Auditor Crit Luallen today released an audit of the Kentucky State Board for Proprietary Education, which monitors proprietary education institutions across the Commonwealth.
Uh, yo, Crit, it's nice that you're paying attention to for profit schools. But where are the audits of our public institutions which state government has a direct role in overseeing? Have you taken a look at the Council on Postsecondary Education yet? This is the body that is poised to approve another round of massive tuition increases, making college less affordable for Kentuckians, which, ironically violates the group's mission statement, which says:
The Council and the institutions are committed to ensuring that college is affordable and accessible to all academically qualified Kentuckians ...
The Council is supposed to be taking care of this and is not. So where are the audits of the Council? Of the University of Kentucky and the University of Louisville, who have just raised their tuition 6 percent for next year?

Is anyone in state government paying any attention to this problem at all?

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